The Truth about the Plateau in Stroke Recovery

The Truth about the Plateau in Stroke Recovery

As a stroke survivor, you may have heard someone say, “You’ve reached a plateau,” or “You’re plateauing.” A plateau is high flat land, so what does it have to do with your stroke recovery?

What does a plateau have to do with stroke recovery?

Immediately after you have a stroke is when everything is at the very worst. You may be paralyzed, confused, and unable to speak. Each day you get better as your brain heals, recovering from the shock of the stroke. The progress in the first few weeks or months is often rapid— a steadily upward line on the recovery chart.

But then the slope of that line may start to grow more horizontal. The change doesn’t come as fast or as spontaneously. As that line flattens out, you’ll start to hear about a plateau in your progress. After you’ve reached it, it may feel like you’re stuck—unable to climb any higher. Therapists may start to suggest your therapy will end. Doctors might say this is the best you’ll ever be. And you know what? They might be right— if you believe them. Continue reading “The Truth about the Plateau in Stroke Recovery”